

I have always been keenly interested in the human body and the causes and treatment of diseases. When I started working as an in-house translator in 2010 at a company specialised in services for researchers and research institutes, the decision to specialise in medical translation seemed obvious to me.

Subject-matter knowledge

Over the years, I have consistently deepened my skills and knowledge of medicine & pharmacy. I have taken Open University courses in medicine and pharmacy. I read the two most prominent Finnish medical journals (Lääkärilehti and Duodecim) as well as international and local news regularly.

In addition to strengthening my subject-matter knowledge,  I also maintain and update my linguistic knowledge and skills by regularly taking CPD courses and attending training events and conferences for linguists and translators.


In my work, I make use of term bases and glossaries I have meticulously built over the years, medical literature, publications and training courses and events, as well as the knowledge of colleagues working in the same specialisation. I also consult medical professionals when necessary, naturally within the bounds of confidentiality.
